Marketing Trends You Should Notice

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Visibility is one aspect of marketing that won’t change—regardless of the year. Marketing before and after a digital transformation revolves around how customers see your business. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do have some informed ideas about what to expect from marketing trends in 2017.
Focus is crucial—and that can be a challenge. The bigger the business, the more diverse the customer base. While data is making it easier to target consumers, it’s a massive undertaking to discern valuable information from the volume of data available. How do you stay focused, create conversations, and increase conversions? It’s a big question, but paying attention to what’s on the horizon can offer insights. Here are 10 trends that I predict for 2017.
1. Increased focus on customer experience. Customer experience is the heart of marketing for every industry. While it has always been a marketing focus, today’s businesses—at least the successful ones—have embraced customer-centric philosophies to create effective marketing strategies and positive digital transformations.
2. Engaged and effective measuring: analytics 2.0. Talk of measuring marketing has been on an endless loop lately. With confessions from Facebook and others about how their data doesn’t tell a complete story, what we do have is less than stellar. Now—and in the upcoming year—measurement will be done with purpose. Expect business objectives to tie back to profit, revenue, customer retention, and satisfaction.
3. Lean on the new marketing lieutenants: marketing technologists and data scientists. To make the first two trends on our list work, executives must be data-driven. As companies aim to connect email, social media, and paid, owned, and earned marketing strategies (among others), they must incorporate technology needed to implement and support it. Expect Chief Marketing Technologists to lead this initiative—studies show that four out of five enterprises do this already.
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